Instructions for Hosting an Official TCF Event
To host an official Tai Chi Foundation (TCF) event, use the online application to describe the event, including a narrative describing its details. Use the budget template to construct an overview of estimated income/expenses.
The Tai Chi Foundation, Inc. acts as sponsor of official TCF trainings as long as the trainings support the Five-Year Strategic Plan adopted by the board in 11/2010 (the plan can be read on the Apprentice website here).
Because TCF has a fiscal responsibility as the sponsor financial losses and other liabilities, the host must establish the logistical and financial details well in advance. The person or school submitting the proposal is the “Host” and TCF is the “Sponsor.”
Sample Planning Schedule
One year in advance…
- Host submits proposal to TCF Board of Directors (BOD) for sponsorship.
- Host submits a projected budget showing projections for three levels of registrations (e.g., expenses exceed income; expenses equal income; expenses are less than income).
- BOD responds to training proposals within 14 days of receipt with official agreement if approved. If not approved, a letter detailing the reasons will be sent via e-mail and/or U.S. mail.
- Host signs agreement and returns it to TCF.
- Host obtains contracts for venue and submits them to TCF.
- Host submits written promotional material submitted to TCF for marketing.
- Host requests start-up deposit in writing.
Six months in advance:
- Host creates promotional plan with TCF Training Committee and administrator.
- Host begins monthly progress and financial reports to TCF.
- Host opens PayPal account connected to Web site registration page (TCF can do this for the Host.)
- Host submits P.O. for any payments on approved budget.
One month after event:
- Host submits financial report to BOD with details of expenses/fees to-be-paid.
- Host submits informational report to BOD, including:
- Names and contact info of all participants
- Titles courses completed by each participant
- Host sends net proceeds to TCF via PayPal or check in US dollars.