Late Summer is about spending time on yourself and others.
It is a time to accept ourselves for who we are.
How can we feel cared for and secure?
We need to relax, feel the embrace of the Tao,
tune into our centers and develop compassion
for ourselves and others.
It’s the time to connect with our human family.
We warmly invite you to join the Embrace Earth Tuning, during which we will center ourselves for four weeks.
Join with new and old friends to experience harmony within yourself and within a community of tai chi lovers generating qi together.
Traditional East Asian medicine recognizes five seasons, and the season called late summer comes after summer and before autumn. In late summer, when the sun is softer than in summer, we harvest the bounty of what nature provides. Then a bit later in the year, we sow seeds for next year.
Mother Earth provides us with what we need, and in return we do our best to sink and relax, stay centered, and remain in balance with the Earth.
In the tuning videos, Pat Gorman talks about the qualities of the spirit of Earth, the compassionate mind (or Yi in Chinese). The spirit of Earth allows us to have empathy for others as well as for ourselves. The spirit of Earth allows us to be willing to receive support from others. It helps us to keep a good balance between giving and caring for others and giving and caring for ourselves.
Another strength of the compassionate mind is being able to empty our minds so that we can receive and digest the experiences that we have in life and transform them into wisdom for the future.
In this tuning, we will experience what we can accomplish in 28 days of late summer, using postures and movements that connect us with the Earth, in order to support centering and ease within ourselves, to relax, sink and empty our mind into our belly, to stay in balance with others in our lives, and to absorb, digest and transform the harvest we have received.
Join us as we Embrace Earth together!
For the Tai Chi Foundation, Gerrie Sporken, Edna Brandt and Margaret Olmsted
In spirit Pat Gorman
This is a FREE seasonal qigong event for the tai chi community.
A donation in any amount helps us continue to provide these experiences.
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Thank you to Pat Gorman and Gerrie Sporken, authors of this material.
©2023-2024 copyright/service marks of the Tai Chi Foundation, Inc.