Leave A Legacy
Join our Legacy Club with a planned gift.
Planned gifts are an easy way for you to support the Tai Chi Foundation and ensure the legacy of Cheng Man-Ch’ing’s teachings are available to future generations.
As part of an overall financial plan, planned gifts can allow you to maintain control of your assets during your lifetime, but feel happy that you are still donating to the Tai Chi Foundation.
Unlike other donations, planned gifts do not come out of disposable income, they typically come from assets in your estate, or from assets already set aside for charitable purposes and accumulated in a fund (for example, in the US, a Donor Advised Fund).
More information
The easiest planned gift to make is a bequest, and in principle all you need to do is include appropriate language when you go to change your will to specify a gift to the Tai Chi foundation.
Before making any bequest or other planned gift, you should consult with a professional advisor both on the appropriateness of your overall estate planning and on the specific wording of any legal documents.
An example of the sort of wording that might be used is shown here:
“I give and bequeath to the Tai Chi Foundation, a non-profit corporation established under the laws of the state of New York, Tax ID Number 13-3016452, the sum of $___________ for the benefit of the Tai Chi Foundation and its general purposes.”
Please note that at this time TCF accepts cash, securities, and insurance policies.
TCF does not accept donations of personal property or real estate; the estate executor must transform such items into cash or securities prior to donation.
TCF does not work with endowments or charitable annuities.
For more information please see the TCF gift acceptance policies here.
Let us know when you’ve done it!
If you do create, or already have created, a bequest to TCF in your estate plan, please let TCF know by emailing [email protected]. Or contact us with questions.
We’d like to thank you for your action – it will really make a difference.