Comments ( 3 )

  • Leyla Gulcur

    Ken was my beloved sword teacher and an incredible mentor, role model and friend. I will always remember his humor, sharp wit, wisdom and the grace with which he taught and fenced.

  • Cynthia

    Deeply saddened to learn of Ken’s departure. I worked with him years ago then sat for him, my portrait I will cherish for eternity. He was one of the kindest people and most talented that I have met. He loved his work, and he gave us life through the unique lens of his eyes and heart. He was extraordinary. Teatime will have to be in Heaven Ken. ‘til we meet again.

  • Stephen Watson

    I was honored to be invited to meet Ken in his NYC home some years ago to enjoy some late night tea, training, talk, and treasured time. This was over twenty years ago, and the sublimely simple sword practice that Ken conveyed with charm, wit, grace, and impossible skill has remained. Part of my daily practice. I am pleased to report that I have yet to get it. The gift was the path. Thank you, Ken!

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