Dear Teachers:

As a school comprised of a strong network of fellow teachers, our agreements and policies bind us together and help us maintain the quality of teaching and transmission that have become our trademark. Upon entering the B1 Apprenticeship, we are asked to read the following document entitled “Goals, Commitments, Agreements” and with our signature, to signal our consent and support of these school-wide policies.




Goals, Commitments, Agreements


1. Enhance the participant’s own embodiment of tai chi principles and form.

2. Train the participant to teach tai chi according to the Tai Chi Foundation (TCF), teaching method which includes team teaching, evaluation and feedback.

3. Reinforce the participant’s progress through teaching experience and ongoing training with support from local teacher(s) and the larger TCF organization.

Teacher training is for people with the internal commitment to teach tai chi chuan in cooperation with TCF and its network of teachers. All guidelines are designed to maintain the quality and correct teaching of tai chi chuan as emphasized by Prof. M.C. Cheng in the following quote:

“Success in T’ai Chi Chuan depends on three conditions: correct teaching, natural talent, and perseverance. Of the three, correct teaching (or right method) is of primary importance. When the method is incorrect, or the right method is wrongly taught, no success is attainable even if the student is highly gifted and diligently and conscientiously applies himself. On the other hand, given the right kind of teaching, even if one’s natural talent should be below average, success can be achieved through perseverance.”


1. Complete Basic (Beginning), Fundamentals and Intermediate levels as taught by the TCF. In some cases Push Hands 1 and Intermediate Form may be taken concurrently with the Teacher Training program.

2. Submit an application for the Teacher Training Program which includes an interview with the Admissions Committee.

3. Attend all classroom sessions of the Teacher Training Program to experience a sample presentation of each lesson and then practice-teach it.

4. Participate in an actual course (covering the same material the trainee is learning to teach) a minimum of 3 times through, supervised and on a volunteer basis as part of the teaching team:

a. First time through in a yin position as primarily a silent model,  demonstrator and observer of how the course is taught.

    b. Second time through co-teaching with a more experienced teacher.

    c. Third time through with a teacher with a similar amount of experience.

5. Participate in the local TCF teaching community, including:

    a. initiating or assisting in at least one lecture-demonstration and one

   new course with a minimum enrollment of 6 students.

    b. promoting or helping to promote activities and special events.

6. Pay tuitions due for each part of the Teacher Training Program. All previous balances due to the local or larger organization must also be paid.


Advancement from level to level in the Teacher Training Program depends on

embodiment of the material, teaching experience, completion of any individual assignments, teamwork capabilities, and the recommendations of supervising teachers. Since advancement is subject to many variables, progress is organic and may not take place at the same rate between levels or people.


I understand the Teacher Training Program may involve physical and non-physical exertion. I warrant that I have no illness, injury, or impairment which prevents my participation.

I assume responsibility for the risks ordinarily associated with participating in the program, e.g., use of facilities, services, and equipment.

I agree not to write down, record or photocopy in any way the teachings passed to me or others in class without express written permission.

I understand I am to seek permission before officially representing the TCF in any and all media such as video, film, still photography, etc.

I agree to use the TCF teaching methods only in TCF-approved situations and strive towards excellence in all aspects of my teaching and study of the art.

I agree to obtain approval prior to releasing any material of the TCF and all material will bear appropriate copyright and service mark protections.

I have read and understood the basic agreements and requirements involved with participation in the Teacher Training Program. I am a full and willing participant and agree to work in cooperation with the above-stated guidelines.

Signature of participant_____________________________Date______________

Print name of participant_____________________________

Signature of Teacher Trainee Program teacher_____________________________

Print name of teacher ___________________________________

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Please note there are additional important policies that shape the conduct and values of TCF teachers, which can be found in the Code of Ethics for TCF Instructors and Teachers. Click here to open this document. Or look under Corporate Information / Policies and Procedures.