Comments ( 2 )

  • Ricardo Perez

    I loved I wish I could be there

    I’m looking forward to the next gathering

  • Gene Giffen

    Thanks so much for this account of the Nashville training. Congratulations to all for Persevering through the extra obstacles that have arisen this year.
    While healing from my knee surgery at home, I have continued to “Play with Fire”, (Pattie Gorman’s term for Classical Calligraphy study). I just happened to find (and have to share) a particularly “HOT” Chinese Calligraphy Character.
    I found it because our Fiftieth Anniversary Observance inspired curiosity about what the Calligraphy Character associated with I Ching Hexagram #50 might be.
    Al Huang designated this Calligraphy Character “Ding” (A Sacred Cauldron)……interpreted to mean “ESTABLISHING THE NEW”. Significant Anniversaries in Ancient China were memorialized by casting a bronze “DING” to honor the past and ESTABLISH THE NEW. Our first Winter Training in Nashville expresses this perfectly.

    /Users/genegiffen/Pictures/Photo Booth Library/Pictures/Photo on 1-20-25 at 3.09 PM.jpg

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